Community Programs

NationJob Community Sponsorship Program
A Proven Path to Success
The Objective:
Having delivered community programs across the United States for more than 18 years, we have seen that the most crucial component to a successful program is broad member participation. Just as your chamber gains strength through membership growth, NationJob's Community Sponsorship Program become more valuable and effective with each additional employer that participates. Now a new program structure helps you reach this critical mass, all while saving chamber staff time. Additional benefits include: increased membership recruitment and retention; non-dues revenue, and a substantial economic impact on your community.
Under the NationJob Community Sponsorship Program, each chamber member receives personal service in listing and updating all current job openings on a local chamber web site. This full-featured site includes company and community information and detailed search functions. The site is also tied into a national network of web sites reaching millions of job seekers locally, regionally and nationwide. Employers save money; workers are attracted to and retained in your community; and every chamber member benefits.
Key Points:
- Low cost. Investments from key individual chamber members combine into one flat annual fee that allows all members to participate. The key employers investing in the program pay less than if they purchased NationJob services directly. Organizations interested in local economic development invest to support the community as a whole, because your small members can use the service for no cost beyond their annual chamber membership.
- Non-dues revenue. Once the individual investments collected by NationJob reach the annual fee amount, a percentage of these dollars are paid to the chamber. For any dollars collected for services beyond the annual fee, an additional revenue share is paid to the chamber.
- Every member benefits. After the program is funded, the Chamber has the option to offer eligible members to participate at no additional cost. You may, however, choose to require payment from employers beyond a certain size. Third-party recruiters who post jobs for their clientele are required to be investors.
- Easy to implement. All you need to do is get the decision makers from key employers in your community together for a one-hour presentation. Hospitals, banks, manufacturers, utilities, school districts, city and county governments, and economic development groups are all likely participants. We explain the program, answer their questions, and if they like it, they fund it from their own budgets.
- Benefits for the whole community. As our case studies and references attest, this program benefits everyone. Companies save money. Chambers add and retain members. Schools gain a career counseling tool for students. Development groups have a tool to help attract new companies. Residents, prospective residents, and trailing spouses find jobs. The economy grows. We can prove it.
Program Cost and Funding:
The cost of your Community Sponsorship Program is based on the population of your community. Your NationJob representative can provide you with the specific cost.
However, this program is not designed to be paid out of the chamber budget. Instead, funds generally come from two types of sources:
- Organizations concerned with economic development. The Community Sponsorship Program furthers the goals of these organizations:
- Utility Companies promote economic growth through programs designed to stimulate business recruitment and expansion, as well as local population growth.
- Workforce boards see value in enhancing their current services with more access to higher-level jobs and nationwide candidates.
- Banks want to increase their potential customer base while helping to satisfy federal requirements under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).
- Economic development groups, whether they are private consortium's or government departments, recognize that improving labor availability is a key to economic growth. They also recognize the positive economic impact of new workers relocating to the community.
Some of these organizations also have their own recruiting needs. All of them can benefit from the additional, positive exposure that comes from sponsoring a successful program that helps so many people and employers.
- Major Employers.
Companies who have already budgeted for recruiting employees can simply redirect money they were already planning to spend into this program. The program is a return on investment.
Even NationJob's standard corporate rates are much less expensive than other options, and include our unbeatable package of benefits.
- Unlimited job listings for a year
- Company profile
- Posting of your jobs on industry-specific Web sites (Specialty Sites™) that are promoted throughout the Internet Links to corporate home page.
- "Featured Employer" logo, logo in jobs and profile
- Custom Jobs Page including custom e-mail update service
- Comprehensive support, data entry and update service
As major employers tend to invest at about the $5,000 level, participation in this program is even more cost effective than our corporate pricing.
Why not?
Bring your key members together for a meeting and let them judge for themselves?
For more information, please contact us at